Wednesday, August 31, 2005

New House #01

And as it is past my bedtime and (touch wood) exciting things are happening right now, here's another blog - I'm moving house! This is it. Four bedrooms, 2 attic rooms and a small cellar (well room enough for the wine). I don't know the square footage. My house is not sold yet, but Kevins is, and that is all we need to get the mortgage.

To say that acquiring a house like this is more than we hoped for is an understatement. Hopefully we shall be happy there for many years.

As the title of this blog suggests I'd like to think that I will be adding more entries as what I'm sure will be the saga of buying this house in the UK unfolds.

Night night xx


OOOOOOOH MYYYYYYY GOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDD!!!!!! (Spoken in a Vicky Pollard way)

After 12 years of absence I await with baited breath the arrival of a new studio album by she who must be worshiped - Kate Bush! After a few quite dreary things on The Red Shoes (including that God awful duet with Prince) I thought she may have hung up her Fairlight for good, but no. And bugger me if it's not a double! At 37 I should not be getting so excited by the release of a CD of music, but here I am writing a blog entry, which when you consider just how prolific I am at blogs is quite excited.

Roll on November 7th and the release of AERIAL.

Should I :
1) Take the morning of release off work and go and buy it at HMV like I used to.
2) Use modern day techniques and wait for Amazon to deliver.

The second choice I think.