Wednesday, June 08, 2005



As one of the last remaining Ludites in the IT industry that thinks XML is absurd and uncommented code a sin, I thought I would stand firm in the face of these Weblogs. However friends have them, family have them and so many work colleagues have them it is embarrassing. But the truth is, a cousin-in-law (is this a thing?) has one that is FREE; so I said - I'll have some of that.

Give me a while to come up with something to bleat about and I'll get back to you.

By the way (no acronymns here), the name of the blog is the title of a favorite song of mine by The Divine Comedy - give them a listen. And it is also a nod at our friendly Internet - now with that thought in my head, I need a drink. Where did I put the beer... it's here somewhere ... maybe behind the methys...ah haaaa!

Have Fun.